Pack - Cat Adult Kibble Salmon EN
Lifestyle - Cat Adult Kibble Salmon EN
Product - Cat Adult Kibble Salmon
Feeding - Cat Adult Kibble EN
Pack - Cat Adult Kibble Salmon EN
Lifestyle - Cat Adult Kibble Salmon EN
Product - Cat Adult Kibble Salmon
Feeding - Cat Adult Kibble EN

Fresh salmon

  • Fresh fish only
  • Suited for neutered cats
  • Grain free recipe

Our Atlantic salmon kibble is a complete feast that’s ideal for all adult cats, and sterilised ones too. It’s packed with fresh fish which hasn’t been powdered, pulverised or frazzled. Just the yummiest ingredients.

Available in

Food worth purring about

*1.07 million Edgard & Cooper customers and counting.

Fez's cat

The cats love it and I know it's good for them!


The only kibble that she digests and tolerates!


Saona's cat

Our cats love this food!


Image for Julie's cat

Very good quality. My two cats are neutered and they remain at their ideal weight. Their coat is beautiful and soft, and their stools do not smell too strong.


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