
Originally bred for hunting badgers (hence their name, which means "badger dog" in German), Dachshunds are full of energy and curiosity. With their loyal and playful nature, they make wonderful companions for individuals and families alike.

Whether they're sprinting through the park or snuggling up on the couch, Dachshunds bring joy and laughter to any home. So, if you're lucky enough to have one of these precious sausage dogs, get ready for a lifetime of love and unforgettable moments!

Average sizes and life expectancy of the breed


20 - 27 cm


7 - 14kg

Life expectancy:

12-16 years

Facts and good-to-knows

  • Dachshunds are loyal cuddle companions, always up for a snuggle session.

  • They may be small, but their big personalities bring endless entertainment.

  • With their unique shape, Dachshunds are experts at burrowing under blankets (cozy alert!).

  • These clever canines are known for their intelligence and quick learning.

  • Dachshunds can be stubborn at times, giving you a run for your money during training sessions.

  • Due to their elongated bodies, they are more prone to back problems.

  • Keep an eye on their weight to prevent joint issues - a balanced diet and regular exercise are key!


Originating in Germany, these adorable sausage dogs have a fascinating past. Dating back to the 15th century, Dachshunds were originally bred for hunting badgers. With their low-slung bodies and tenacious spirit, they were naturals at burrowing their way into badger dens. The word "Dachshund" even translates to "badger dog" in German! Over time, they gained popularity as loyal family pets and show dogs. Today, Dachshunds continue to captivate hearts around the world, reminding us that good things come in small, long packages.

Temperament and Personality

When it comes to personality, Dachshunds sure know how to make a big impression! These little dogs may be small in stature, but their personalities are larger than life. Known for their loyalty, Dachshunds form deep bonds with their humans, making them fantastic companions. Their playful nature and mischievous streak keep life interesting and entertaining. While they can be confident and outgoing, they also have a touch of stubbornness, adding a dash of sass to their character. Dachshunds thrive on love and attention, always ready for a cuddle or a game of fetch. With their unique blend of spunk and sweetness, Dachshunds are sure to bring endless joy to any home.


Now, let's talk about keeping those Dachshunds fit and fabulous! Despite their long bodies, Dachshunds have a surprisingly high energy level. Regular exercise is essential to keeping them happy and healthy. Daily walks and playtime in a fenced yard are great ways to burn off their excess energy. However, it's important to keep in mind that Dachshunds are not marathon runners. With their delicate back and spine, high-impact activities should be avoided. Instead, opt for low-impact exercises like swimming or interactive puzzle toys to engage their minds. Strike a balance between keeping them active and preventing strain on their backs, and your Dachshund will wag its little tail with delight!


While Dachshunds may be low to the ground, they sure know how to keep their coat fancy! Their short, smooth, and shiny coat requires minimal grooming. A quick brush once or twice a week will help remove loose hairs and keep their coat looking sleek and luxurious. We mustn't forget those adorable long ears! Regular ear cleaning is important to prevent any buildup and potential infections. Oh, and those cute little paws? A quick trim of the nails is necessary to keep them well-maintained. Lastly, be mindful of their teeth - regular brushing and dental check-ups will keep their pearly whites in tiptop shape. With a little grooming love, your Dachshund will be the shining star of the dog park!


Dachshunds, just like any other dog, thrive when they're fed a balanced and nutritious diet. It's important to choose a food that suits their size, age, and activity level. Since Dachshunds can be prone to weight gain, it's crucial to monitor their portion sizes and avoid overfeeding. Treats can still be part of their diet but should be given in moderation. Remember, a healthy diet is the foundation of a happy and active Dachshund. Woof, bon appétit!

Dachshunds are truly a awesome breed, bringing joy and laughter into the hearts of their loving owners. Now, go forth and enjoy your Dachshund-filled adventures!

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