7 safe plants for cats and dogs

Many pet owners wonder which plants they can have in the house without risking the health of their four-legged friends. Well, with spring in the air, here are seven beautiful indoor plants that are definitely safe for cats and dogs. A little green always makes things better!

1. Orchids (Phalaenopsis varieties)
There’s no proof that orchids can cause harm when ingested. Good news, because this gorgeous plant is (understandably) among the most bought houseplants. They come in so many colours and bloom for a very long time. Still, we recommend putting your orchids somewhere relatively inaccessible if you want them to thrive. After all, your pet might like those beautiful blooms just as much as you do.

2. Spider plant
Easy to grow. Hard to kill. Looks really cool. What more could you ask of a household plant? Well here’s a couple of bonus points...First, the spider plant (aka ’chlorophytum’) is highly air-purifying. And second, it’s not toxic to cats or dogs. In short: we love this plant.

3. Roses
Have you been lucky enough to land a big, beautiful bouquet of roses? Well, rest assured, they’re not a toxic snack for your dog or cat. But please, do watch out if they have thorns. These nasty little spikes can harm an unsuspecting paw or have nasty consequences if swallowed by mistake.

4. Baby tears
We’ve no idea why this plant has such a sad name when it makes us so happy! The Soleirolia soleirolii or Baby tears is a tiny plant with small green leaves that can grow very quickly. It’s ideal for terrariums or hanging pots. Just make sure your terrarium is in a safe spot and can’t be knocked off by a curious cat or a playful dog.

5. Ferns (Pteridophyta varieties)
Ferns can be really beautiful indoor plants, but not all of them are safe for dogs and cats. Be sure to buy a pteridophyta variety; these have shown no evidence of toxicity to pets. Our favourite is the Boston fern, which looks particularly cool if you hang it up. It’s also known for its air purification properties. We say: go for it!

6. Banana plant
If you’re a fan of big plants, the banana plant may be right up your street. This large-leafed, tropical plant needs a lot of sunlight and water. In fact, if you have a lot of patience (let’s say more than 3 years) and take good care of this plant, you might be able to grow your own bananas. Ain’t that great?

7. Gerbera daisy
Oh, the Gerbera daisies, the most colourful of them all. And, joy of joys, not at all toxic to pets. We love these flowers because they really brighten up the room. And, with the right kind of care, they can bloom for up to six weeks indoors. So get planting!
Of course, we’re not recommending your dog or cat should start dining on all these plants. While it’s still possible your four-legged friend's stomach will not digest these plants very well, you can rest assured your pet will not get poisoned. Oh, and make sure you avoid using toxic fertilizers - there are plenty of pet-friendly ones available.
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Eating is one of life’s simple joys, so why overcomplicate things? Unlike most other pet foods, we treat nature’s ingredients with respect and make food that’s naturally healthy and full of flavour.

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We donate 1% of our sales to the Edgard & Cooper Foundation, which works with charities that improve the lives of cats and dogs today, while protecting them tomorrow.